Supply Chain Optimization


Technology and science are vital not only to ensure forest health and biodiversity but also the sustainable harvesting of trees for:

  • the right products
  • during the right season
  • with the right harvest prescription
  • using the right equipment
  • on the most efficient roads
  • with the right trucking equipment

The options and variables are many and complex. The ROSCO (Real-time Operational Supply Chain Optimization) is technology that supports our foresters with the numerous supply chain decisions that need to be made every day.  ROSCO brings a level of advanced planning – 18 months ahead - that has not been available with past tools and information.  

This combination of business intelligence, mathematics, and forest inventory imagery provides J.D. Irving, Limited's Woodlands Division with an industry leading supply chain decision support system. This allows us to maximize the value of our forest while minimizing the impact on the environment.

Questions about our Healthy Forest Approach? Read the FAQ.