

Technology is transforming sustainable forest management. In our division, the focus is on analytics and mobility. Our goals are:

  • To enable better planning and management of the environment, wood supply and harvesting activity through analytics
  • To improve access to our information through increasing the use of mobile devices on the ground

Our foresters manage for multiple values over long-term horizons on multiple land bases, in an ever-changing environment. Not only do they need to know what is happening real time, but they need to be able to predict what will happen into the future. There is a constant need to understand how the actions of today will affect the forest of the future. Leading-edge technology informs the analytics to ensure the right decisions on the right site for the environment and the business.  

    During logging planning, tablets enabled with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Global Positioning Systems (GPS) technology allow the foresters to locate harvest areas and map physical, environmental, and operational constraints on the ground. This technology allows for a site-specific digital map and work order explaining the best plan of action and location for operations. Foresters can also send updates to the system from their on-the-ground assessments.

    We have the ability to track harvest operations through computer-based navigation systems, which display the digital logging plan in the cab of the harvester. This technology allows us to keep a permanent record of each operation.

    All of our harvesting, chipping, trucking, and road construction operations are tracked using GPS and mapping technologies and are displayed on map dashboards. Reforestation operations such as planting new trees and monitoring the overall harvest operation are also assisted by onboard operations dashboards.

    Questions about our Healthy Forest Approach? Read the FAQ.