Collaboration for Atlantic Salmon Tomorrow (CAST) Funding

The Government of Canada and the Province of New Brunswick have partnered with the Collaboration for Atlantic Salmon Tomorrow (CAST) with a combined total of $4.7 million in research funding. CAST is a partnership of scientists, environmental groups, and industry participants. Our focus is saving wild Atlantic salmon before it's too late. Today we are working on six science projects on the Miramichi and Restigouche rivers. Our hope is that CAST will serve as a positive partnership model for Eastern Canada's wild Atlantic salmon rivers. J.D. Irving, Limited (JDI) is a founding partner and proud contributor to this multi-year effort to reverse the decline of wild Atlantic salmon populations. JDI is supporting one of the six CAST science projects currently underway: ARIS Sonar Population Tracking - new underwater sonar technology in Blackville, NB which accurately counts the number of returning salmon, providing real on-time data about salmon populations in the Miramichi.

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Linking Landscape Variables to Cold Water Refugia in Rivers

The protection of cold water refugia within aquatic systems requires the identification of thermal habitats in rivers. These refugia provide critical thermal habitats for brook trout and Atlantic salmon during periods of thermal stress, for example during summer high temperature events. This study aims to model these refugia using thermal infrared images collected during late July 2008 and 2009 for a reach of the Cains River, New Brunswick, Canada.

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