A Comprehensive Greenhouse Gas Balance for a Forest Company Operating in Northeast North America

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and carbon stock changes projected over 100 years were quantified for a company managing 2.2 Mha of forest in northeast North America. From 2010 to 2015, company forest operations, sawmills, and pulp/paper mills were forecast to contribute 21, 4, and 75%, respectively, of total emissions. Forest and products were forecast to result in an increasing cumulative net GHG (sequestration minus emissions) sink to 30.7 t CO2e ha1 at year 50. Determining the GHG mitigation potential of forest products requires inclusion of wood, paper, bioenergy, and manufacturing emissions and consideration of natural disturbances, leakage, and avoided emissions.

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Facing the Elements: Building Business Resilience in a Changing Climate

J.D. Irving, Limited was profiled in a report by the National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy related to climate change "Facing the elements: Building business resilience in a changing climate". The profile describes how the company incorporates adaptation to climate change in long-term forest management. This includes research which has been ongoing over the past decade.

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