
Thank You Woodlot Owners

J.D. Irving, Limited (JDI) would like to thank the over 330 woodlot owners we have worked with since launching our Woodlot Services initiative in 2011.  Through agreements made with these woodlot owners an important milestone has been reached this March: 1 million tonnes of NB private wood purchased through JDI’s Woodlot Services. 

“We are very pleased with the harvesting on our woodlot. The team from JDI were very professional, knowledgeable and customer focused," says Matthew Mason, the owner of the woodlot where the millionth tonne was harvested. "It has been a great experience."

JDI Woodlot Services provides woodlot owners with a full range of services including selective harvesting, road construction, road maintenance, and silviculture. Our contracts provide premium pricing and first-in-line market access, which is a win-win for the woodlot owner and the mills that depend on s sustainable wood supply.

Private woodlot owners interested in a management or purchase agreement are encouraged to contact: 1-855-WOODLOT

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