

November 2, 2017
FREDERICTON, NB:  Today the U.S. Department of Commerce excluded all of the Atlantic Provinces except New Brunswick in its final determination of duties on softwood lumber.

New Brunswick sawmills (excluding J.D. Irving, Limited) will pay 14.25% CVD plus 6.58% in anti-dumping duties for a total of 20.83% duty.  Because J.D. Irving, Limited was the only Canadian producer to volunteer for a review by the Department of Commerce during the CVD proceedings, the company will pay 3.34% CVD and 6.58% ADD for a total of 9.92% in duty.  There is no good news for any sawmill in NB with today’s announcement and the 20.83% disadvantage that we now face compared to other Atlantic Canadian producers.   The Province should act immediately to secure an expedited review for New Brunswick softwood sawmills.

NBLP continues to believe that the JDI rate confirms that all New Brunswick lumber producers should be excluded from these trade remedy proceedings.  This exclusion has existed for 35 years and nothing has changed. 

The NBLP is united in calling on the Province of New Brunswick to immediately do everything it can to resolve this matter.  This is the first time in the history of the US softwood lumber trade negotiations that the Province of New Brunswick has not been exempt.  

Reports published by the New Brunswick government are being used by the US Coalition against NB industry.  These reports contain inaccurate and unfounded conclusions.  As per testimony before US trade proceedings on August 18, 2017 the Province of New Brunswick’s Washington lawyer, Mr. William Barringer stated:

"Thus the change in treatment of New Brunswick essentially comes down to an auditor general's report which speculated, without providing any hard conclusions, that there may be some distortion in the New Brunswick market which might make [softwood sawlog] prices higher or lower than they might otherwise be."  

The government should immediately address the speculative comments about market distortion. New Brunswick’s forestry system has always been based on free and fair trade. This has not changed and should be recognized by the US Department of Commerce. 

The ten (10) member sawmills of NBLP represent 95% of softwood lumber production in New Brunswick.

Mike Legere
Executive Director/Directeur executive
Forest NB Forêt NB



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