
Outcome Based Forestry in Maine

Northern Maine Woodlands (NMW) hosted an enthusiastic group of 65 forestry professionals on a beautiful fall day on Friday, September 14. The occasion was the annual fall tour hosted by the Cooperative Forest Research Unit (CFRU) at the University of Maine in Orono, of which Irving Woodlands is a long-time member. 


The theme of this years' meeting was around the experience of NMW and Seven Islands Company in adopting Outcomes Based Forestry Agreements (OBF) with the State. The Maine Legislature enacted legislation in 2001 to allow landowners to negotiate agreements with the State to manage lands outside the very prescriptive Forest Practices regulations while providing equal or better protection of the forests’ many functions and values. NMW has been operating under OBF for the past 5 years. Regional Forester, Ked Coffin and Planning Forester, Matt Stedman described how the agreement works and the many benefits the company has seen. We also heard very positive reviews from a number of the expert panelists who review the company’s performance with respect to our OBF agreement. 

The new Irving Forestry Professor at the Fort Kent University of Maine, Dr. Neil Thompson, provided an overview of view shed studies he is conducting across our ownership and brought his whole class with him for the tour. Thank you to the NMW crew who did an excellent job of projecting their professionalism and passion for sustainable forest management and doing the job right!

See the report on Outcome Based Forestry HERE.

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